Short Talk: Building a Cloud-friendly Application
The days of hand-crafted artisanal servers are long over. Modern web applications need to be able to run on many different servers without code changes. Not just different hosting providers, but different environments on the same hosting provider. Whether you're using a legacy dev/stage/prod setup or a modern branch-is-environment host, modern hosting imposes some requirements on your application design but also offers a huge potential for new and powerful tools. In this session, we'll explore some key guidelines for building a cloud-friendly application, as well as look at some architectural options that a modern hosting platform enables.

Larry Garfield (@Crell)
Larry Garfield has been building websites since he was a sophomore in high school, which is longer ago than he'd like to admit. Larry was an active Drupal contributor and consultant for over a decade, and led the Drupal 8 Web Services initiative that helped transform Drupal into a modern PHP platform. Larry is Director of Developer Experience at, a leading continuous deployment cloud hosting company. He is also a member of the PHP-FIG Core Committee. Larry holds a Master's degree in Computer Science from DePaul University. He blogs at both and